Biography: I am currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Faculty Affiliate in the Department of Social and Cultural Inquiry at the University of Connecticut. My research interests are in social inequalities and media/cultural studies.
Reflexive Statement: I joined AHS in 2012 when the annual meetings came to my hometown, Chicago, IL, just down the street from my PhD university. I have been an active member since then and have served in a variety of positions, including Book Award Committee Chair, Nominations Committee Co-Chair, and Vice President of Publications. My most memorable AHS service position was Program Chair for the 2016 Annual Meetings in Denver, CO. I received first-hand experiences in the minute details of organizing a conference, and herding current and prospective members! I am happy to continue my service for an organization that has been very important in my professional development (and always a lot of fun!) Please reach out if you have any related questions.